Thursday, November 30, 2017

Sekai de Niban-me ni Oishii Melonpan, Tokyo

On my previous trip to Japan, I discovered melonpan by accident, when it was brought in for a special event at the office.  I had no idea what it was, where it came from, but, I took one bite, and I was hooked (as I described when I reviewed melonpan in Paris next).  What was this magical sweet bread with a crispy top?  I quickly learned it was melonpan (e.g. "pan", the word for bread, "melon" since it looks like a melon).   Since then,...

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Cork, Tokyo

Tokyo is a city with many food options, all over the spectrum.  On my 2017 visit, I mostly stuck with very casual (think: uh, 7-Eleven, Lawson Station, and Family Mart) or super niche dining (like monja, which is only served on one street in Tokyo). I wasn't really there to do fine dining, but one night, I planned a dinner for 3 co-workers and myself, from different offices worldwide, and we wanted a nice space to be able to chat and catch up. There are of course...

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Monja at kaisemmonjamohejihanare, Tokyo.

For my first dinner in Tokyo on my recent visit, I arranged a group to go on quite a journey.  Our destination: monjayaki, off the beaten tourist path. Monja Making. It was a unique experience, certainly a success, although not necessarily something we'd want to do again. So, what is monjayaki? (Or, monja, for short)?  It is sorta like okinomiyaki, but a runier style.  You cook it yourself (or have server help you), and you eat it off a little spatula. ...