Friday, October 20, 2017


Update Reviews, October 2017 & December 2018 Dang came out with a new flavor of coconut chips, and I couldn't wait to try them, since I loved the originals so much. Unfortunately, these didn't quite do it for me the first time I tried.  The second time, I was slightly more enthused. Chocolate Sea Salt. (October 2017). "Dubbed “the craving crusher,” a dash of sea salt brings out the rich flavor of cocoa powder." I know the description said cocoa...

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Waffling Leftovers: Double Crusted Apple Cheese Tart

More Waffling Fun: Double Crusted Apple Pie.  I mean, why not? #willItWaffle #yesItWaffles #waffleWed I waffle a lot of leftovers, as you read about regularly.  But they are actually rarely originally desserts, or even baked goods, which surprises many people.  I use the waffle iron as a way to reheat things, not to turn things into dessert. But sometimes, I do start with dessert, and try to waffle it too.  Those items have been ... less successful...

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Japan Airlines, Business Class, San Francisco to Tokyo

Flight Details Flight: JL1. Departure Time: 4:25pm. Aircraft: 777-300. Class: Business. Seat: 5K My journey began checking out the JAL and British Airways lounges, still quite mediocre.  Our boarding time was set to 3:55pm, and, at 3:55pm on the dot, orderly boarding began, with announcements in multiple languages, AND signs held up.  There were at least 8 staff members helping with boarding, and it went faster than I've ever seen a plane board before....