Thursday, March 20, 2014

Baked Goods (and coffee) From Diller's

Diller's is a deli located in the Financial District, catering to the business crowd, open for breakfast and lunch weekdays only.  Since I usually eat those meals at my office, I don't often have occasion to venture out, but sometimes, I just want something different.  I've had my eye on their apple fritters for literally years (more on that below). I also like to try out new technology.  Lately, I've been really into paying with the Paypal app on...

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Actual Food From Chai-Yo

I’ve swung by Chai-Yo before, but never for the food, only for the taro milk tea.  I was going through a bit of an, uh, obsession with taro milk tea, and they were one of few places I could order milk tea online, and just swing by to pick it up.  But the place always looked cute when I stopped in, and the food did look good, so I finally visited to get actual food for takeout one weekend. I placed my order on for pickup, but still didn’t...

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

First Class on Virgin America

Update Review, January 2015 (You might wanna start with my earlier review below, then come back here ... ) Whenever I travel to the east coast, I always fly on Virgin America.  The wifi is the feature I just can't live without at this point, but the good food is a strong selling point too.  I've been shocked by the food quality, particularly the really good tuna salad and roasted pear salads I had in Main Cabin.  Sadly,...

Monday, March 17, 2014

Catering by Presidio Social Club

As I mentioned last week in my review of catering by Dobbs Ferry, my office ordered catering from several local San Francisco restaurants, as part of an experiment.  For a month, each restaurant provided food once a week. I haven't ever visited Presidio Social Club, although I almost did a year or so ago.  You may recall that I had a bit of a foie gras obsession, particularly right before the California ban went into effect.  I ate a ton of foie.  And...

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Läderach Chocolatier Suisse

Another day, another co-worker returns from a trip abroad with chocolates to share.  This time, boozy Swiss truffles for Zurich. His offering was from Läderach Chocolatier Suisse.  Chocolate has been in the Läderach family since the 1920's, and the company has been handed down generation by generation.  That is about all I know.  Well, besides the fact that they make tasty truffles, and are only available in Switzerland and Germany.  I...