Friday, March 08, 2013


Sometimes, a girl just wants a sweet and salty snack to munch on.  When I passed by the Flipz white fudge coated pretzels, I couldn't resist.  Why am I on such a snack food kick these days? White Fudge Coated Preztels. My initial review of these was not good: the pretzels were pretty generic, a bit of salt on them.  The white fudge coating was kinda waxy and uninteresting, just sweet.  They met my desire to have something munchy, but not really...

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Deli & ...

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, GoPago gave out a special $5 credit for Valentine's day.  While I squandered my credits on treats for myself like donuts and sweet drinks, Ojan used his to get real food.  We've been enjoying a lot of prepared salads lately, like potato salads, macaroni salads, and coleslaws, so I was excited when I saw the slew of salads offered at Deli & ... and told him we should order some for an easy dinner.  He agreed...

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Joe Caribe Bistro & Cafe

Last week, I was back up in Tahoe for a few days.  You may recall that besides the hotel breakfast buffet, I was incredibly disappointed by all of the dining out I did on my last visit, so this time, I didn't even bother trying to go out while I was there, and instead choose to just cook at the lovely cabin we rented. But, I also researched a bunch of places between San Francisco and Tahoe, as it is more fun to stop for a meal halfway than drive...

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Chocolate from Cacao Sampaka

Cacao Sampaka is a Spanish chocolate maker.  I found them at my local chocolate shop, intrigued by their white chocolate, of all things.  I had been in a bit of a white chocolate mood, and I was curious what a quality white chocolate would be like, as white chocolate doesn't exactly have the best reputation, and I knew if this chocolate shop was carrying it, there must be a good reason, as they carry only the best everything, and I'd never seen...