Friday, November 01, 2024

Noosa Yoghurt

Update ReviewBlended YoghurtNoosa continues to expand their product line of yoghurts, now offering a "blended" range.The ingredients and nutrition stats seem essentially identical to the classic yogurts, they just really are ... blended.  Was the step of mixing them really too much effort for people?  I actually *like* to mix them, as I often like to eat a little of the top, and a little of the goo separate.Still, of course I tried these.Blended Packaging.The...

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Carvel Ice Cream

Oh Carvel.  A brand that had such importance during my childhood, when we had a Carvel store in my hometown, and for our birthdays, we always got custom Carvel ice cream cakes.  I remember pouring through the pages and pages of glossy images of the different designs available, and after agonizing (for a child) decision making, picked my choice for my party.  Of course I liked the cakes, but, selecting the design was is what I remember most.  I don't...

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Fish Cheeks, NYC

Update Review, August 2024 VisitAnother August visit to NY, and another chance to get to eat some great Thai food.  First on my agenda was Fish Cheeks, which I had enjoyed previously.  Sadly, this order was not a success.Grilled Cuttlefish. $23."Marinated grilled cuttlefish sliced with hand crush nam jim seafood. Extra spicy."This ... was just not very good.  It made me extremely sad, as I read good reviews of it, I was really craving something like...

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Mac's Maple, New Hampshire

Update Review, September 2024It had been several years since I last visited Mac's Maple, but I follow them on social media, and I know that they've really expanded their baked goods selections inside the gift shop.  I finally got a chance to visit this year in early fall, when I was in New Hampshire visiting my family.Homemade Waffle Cone.I (shockingly) actually wasn't at Mac's Maple for a maple creamie myself as I had just had dessert at home and it wasn't...