Friday, April 08, 2022

Doctor Kracker

Take one wild guess what sort of products "Doctor Kracker" makes?  I'll give you a clue: they make three different styles: "snackers", "culinary crisps", and "crispbreads".   Yup, all are basically ... crackers.  Er, krackers?"The Doctor delivers! Seeds and whole grains are packed with vitality, protein, fiber and essential fatty acids. They are nature's nutritional powerhouse and form the basis of Dr. Kracker's award winning flavors. With Dr....

Thursday, April 07, 2022

Sweetie Pie's Bakery

Sweetie Pies is an interesting bakery.  "Sweetie Pies is a nationally acclaimed bakery located in the heart of downtown Napa Valley and nestled in the historic Napa Mill."The national claim comes in the form of all sorts of interesting awards, like Best Mail-Order Pies award fromBon Appetit (for their pumpkin pie), a feature in Food & Wine's America's Best Pie Spots (for their strawberry-rhubarb pie), etc. In addition to pies (which, yes, Sweetie...

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Uncle Toby's

If you go to Australia, and you ever eat any kind of oats or cereal, chances are high you will encounter Uncle Toby's.  Traditional, rolled, quick oats, in blends, in sachets, in cups.  Cold cereals, including, basic Weeties and, um, Cheerios?  How are those an Uncle Toby's product, not General Mills?  Grab n go snacks like oat balls, oatslices, muesli bars, and more.  Even oat milk.  Yup, Uncle Toby's has the oat-related market...

Monday, April 04, 2022

Super Duper Burger

Update Review, 2022I know it is a burger place, and a popular one at that, but, I go to Super Duper for one thing: ice cream!  Specifically, soft serve.  As you know from my earlier reviews (below!), Super Duper usually has really, really good soft serve.  Just chocolate or vanilla (or twist), but, super creamy, rich, Strauss base.  Some of the best soft serve, for basic flavors, in the city.Vanilla with Dip. $4.75 + $0.50.I lovely summer-ish day,...