Friday, August 13, 2021

Olive & Cocoa

Olive & Cocoa is ... a gift giving company.  Need a gift for any one, at any time, and they could be your answer.  Their gifts range from flowers, to household decorations, to, well you guessed it, food items.  They are also known for their gift baskets and corporate gifting, and hence, you may see where this story is going. "At Olive & Cocoa, we strive to make giving and receiving gifts a beautiful experience. From food crates, award-winning...

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Max's Bakery

Max's Bakery and Kitchen.  Max's Opera Cafe.   Max's Eatz and Fresh Bakery.  Max's World.  Whatever iteration you know it as, Max's is a Bay Area business that has really show it knows how to pivot and adapt to the time.  It is kinda impressive actually.I don't know the full history of the Max's empire, but, they've had several restaurants over the years, and at some point started selling some of their signature desserts wholesale. ...

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The Argentum Project

6th & Mission.  6th & Market.  Not exactly a "destination" neighborhood for most, but, one day, early in the pandemic, it was my destination.  I was headed to The Argentum Project, located on 6th, right between Market & Mission.“Greek-style coffee cafe.” The Argentum Project was doing takeout only, with a reduced menu, so I didn't get to experience the "cafe" aspect really.  I also didn't get to experience the item that I sought out,...

Monday, August 09, 2021

EA Cafe

I've been eying EA Cafe since it opened in late 2020.A new poke place, not horribly far from my house.  Even more exciting, at least to me, is that it is not just any poke place, but one that also has ... soft serve ice cream.  And not just any soft serve, they offer up Milk Cow, from Korea.  I'm familiar with the brand, and was overjoyed to see it nearby.  Oh be still my heart.EA Cafe also is, uh, a cafe, with a line of espresso drinks, coffee,...