Friday, November 18, 2016

Eat Natural Bars

Update Review, November 2016 I originally discovered Eat Natural bars in London, when they were a vendor at a food fair I attended.  I loved the sample flavors I tried there, but not the bars I took home. Fast forward a few years, and I saw the Eat Natural bars again, but this time, in France.  I was eager to try more flavors. Una barre aux fruits secs noix du bresil & raisins secs amandes, cacahuétes et noisettes. This was a nuts and raisins...

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Big Mouth Burgers, San Bruno

Big Mouth Burgers holds a special place in my heart. Sorry, story time.  It is about "B Night". Many years ago, I commuted regularly, on a shuttle that dropped me off at 24th & Mission in San Francisco.  Right in front of Big Mouth Burgers.  My group of co-workers/friends and I quickly established a tradition of going to get burgers on Monday nights.  We eventually expanded to include Papalote, for burritos, also right near the shuttle...