Friday, September 02, 2016

Sheila G's Brownie Brittle

Remember a few weeks ago when I reviewed HannahMax Cookie Chips?  This week, I'm featuring a similar product, a dessert turned into a chip.  This time, brownies. Sheila G's company seems to make only one product: Brownie Brittle.  Although I'm not a huge fan of brownies (not that I mind them, and if you turn them into a sundae I'm happy, but, just a brownie is kinda boring), but I do love brittle.  And I love the story behind this product: the...

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Mikkeller Bar

One evening, to celebrate a visiting co-worker from out of the country, my co-workers decided to go to Mikkeller Bar.  I didn't join them for the dinner part (I had other dinner plans), so I can't comment on the gastropub aspects of the establishment (sausages abound), but I don't think the place is particularly known for their food. Spontancherry. $16. What they are known for, as I found out once I was already en route, is the beer.  When I reached...

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

The Bazaar, Los Angeles

I've now been to The Bazaar, located at the SLS Beverley Hills, twice.  My first visit was in the fall of 2015, when I dined alone, since I was staying at the hotel.  I suggest you start with that review, since it contains all the background.  My more recent visit was the opposite of solo dining: group dining. Update Review, June 2016 On my recent trip to Los Angeles, I needed to plan a dinner for 8 people, a decent sized group.  The first...

Monday, August 29, 2016

Joan's on Third, Los Angeles

On my recent trip to Los Angeles, I discovered Joan's on Third.  I had a poorly timed flight out of LAX terminal 3 (aka, a wasteland with, literally, a news stand, a Starbucks, and the worst rated Burger King I've ever seen), and I needed dinner.  So, rather than dealing with the non-options at the airport, I sought out food in advance to bring on board. I asked my hotel if they had a recommendation for where to pick up food, and they said Joan's on Third....