Friday, February 11, 2022

Fortnum & Mason

Afternoon tea.  Biscuits.  Wicker hampers.  These are the things that Fortnum & Mason are known for ... at least, to those who live in England, or, perhaps have a friend who does.Broucher."First founded in London’s Piccadilly in 1707, we are proud to have remained an essential destination for anyone in search of extraordinary food, exceptional service and joy-giving things ever since. Everyone remembers their first encounter with us, and no wonder...

Thursday, February 10, 2022

O & H Danish Bakery

What is a kringle?  If you are from Wisconsin, you likely know the answer, as, well, it is your state pastry after all (side bar: What? States have official pastries? I had no idea!).  It is a Scandinavian pastry in origin, a danish in fact, except a huge one, oval ring shaped, usually filled with some kind of filling, frequently iced.  Racline, WI is the largest center of production, and standard kringles there are 14 inches by 10 inches ......

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Bhimas Warung, Waterloo

Yup, yup, another business trip.  Another absolutely packed itinerary of mostly work, which included some local dining.  And yup, another set of notes meticulously taken, ambitious plans of writing up my review as soon as I had a free moment, and ... trip over, time elapsed, notes lost.  Sigh.This trip was to a slightly less exciting place than many of my travels, it was to ... Waterloo, Canada.  Not exactly a fine dining mecca, but, when I...