Friday, February 28, 2014

Nana Joes

Nana Joes is a local San Francisco based granola company.  You can find them at farmer's markets, and a few assorted grocery stores in the area.  But I haven't actually had their granola, even though it makes up a majority of their offerings.  They also make a few other assorted snack foods, which I recently had the opportunity to try. Like a good local company, they source from other local companies too.  Their chocolate comes from TCHO, the...

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The Sandwich Spot

Every once in a while, I get a serious craving for classic macaroni salad.  I'm talking the stuff that is mostly just mayonnaise.  Not aioli.  Probably not housemade.  It can come from a grocery store for all I care.  It can have a scary long shelflife.  Sometimes, I just really, really want macaroni salad. I've been trying macaroni salad all over San Francisco, and have a list of places to try sitting on the back burner for when a...

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Legal Seafood

Legal Seafood is a bit of an institution in the Northeast.  They are a chain of seafood restaurants, known for being a bit more upscale than your standard chain restaurant, although still pretty casual style.  They've been around since the 1950's. Most of the Legal Seafood restaurants are regular sit down establishments with waiter service, but they also have seafood markets attached to some of the larger locations that sell fresh seafood, and an online...

Monday, February 24, 2014

Munchery Dishes by Chef Bridget Batson

As you know, I'm a fan of Munchery, a meal delivery service in the Bay Area.  The meals are designed to be heated up/finished by you at home, so the quality is much higher than standard restaurant delivery. Munchery is not just one chef however, there is a fairly large group of chefs who work to create the menu items.  The experience of some of the Munchery chefs is really impressive, and I've been narrowing in on which chefs I most prefer to order from...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Chocolates of Vermont from Lake Champlain Chocolates

I first discovered Lake Champlain chocolate when visiting my family several years ago at Christmastime.  At the time, I thought they were just a cute local chocolatier (my family lives in New Hampshire, their factories are next door in Vermont).  Since then, I've seen their chocolates nationwide, even at my local Whole Foods here in San Francisco.  I didn't realize they had grown so much! I liked the basic chocolate that my mom gave me back then, so...