Friday, March 19, 2021

Mrs. Freshley's

Convenience store or vending machine baked goods.  I can't say I generally seek them out, even though I certainly eat plenty of desserts.  Even as a kid, I didn't grow up with these sorts of items in the snack drawer, or packed in my school lunches, as my mom was an avid baker, and I always had fresh homemade items.  On the rare occasion that we got a box of Little Debbie Nutty Bars, it was actually a treat in my mind.  I still remember those (and...

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Good Humor Ice Cream

Ice cream.  I eat a lot of ice cream.  It is part of my *daily* life (yes, really).  Thank goodness I have a large freezer.I eat ice cream as the "a la mode" to warm pie or fruit crisps, I stuff cookies with it to make ice cream sandwiches, and of course, I make a mean ice cream sundae. I've been this way my whole life.  As a kid, we always had gallons of multiple flavors of ice cream in the freezer, Carvel ice cream cake was the birthday cake...

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Three Twins Ice Cream

Once upon a time, years ago, circa ... 2005, I attended an event in the Mission, with local artisans and restaurants.  I remember trying a fascinating ice cream there, lemon cookie, shocked that I liked it as I don't generally go for lemon desserts.  It was a small local vendor, just getting their start.  The founder was the one scooping the ice cream.That vendor was ... Three Twins ice cream.  They soon became very successful, with multiple ice...