Friday, September 21, 2018

Eta Chips

Eta is a snack foods company based in New Zealand.  You know me and snacks, particularly when traveling and they have unique flavors.  I couldn't wait to try their goods. They make a slew of different product lines, including different types of chips (Uppercuts - Deli Cut, Ripple Cut, Thick Cut, Uppercuts - Corn Tapas), specialty chips (Munchos, Cruncheese, Monster Munch, and Cheese Balls), crackers (known as Cravers), and nut mixes (both sweet and savory). ...

Thursday, September 20, 2018

La Diperie, Montreal

Soft serve ice cream.  It is what my summer dreams are made of. Dreams, because in San Francisco, "summer" is a joke, and soft serve just isn't really a thing.  Hence why whenever I visit the east coast of the US, or Sydney, all I do is eat soft serve.  Such a rare treat for me. I'm glad soft serve has continued to flourish there though, because the quality of soft serve shops just keeps going up.  My childhood haunts of Dairy Twirl and...

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

JetBlue Mint 1415, JFK-SFO

Flight Details Departure: JFK, 8:07pm (scheduled), ~8:40pm (actual). Arrival: 11:57 pm (scheduled), (actual) Seat: 3D Class: Mint Date: June 2018 So this is a sad story.  I'll spare you all the details, but, I missed my actual flight.  I was booked on the previous flight, at a nice reasonable 3:55pm departure time, and ... let's just say, everything people say about getting to JFK from Manhattan is unfortunately very, very true.  I doubled the...

Monday, September 17, 2018

IHOP, 2018

Another year, another round of free pancakes from IHOP.  Joining their e-club has its merits - a free meal for your IHOP-iversary AND a free stack for your birthday! Pancakes: Devoured. I was excited to go for my pancakes.  This year's coupons are for a full stack of any pancakes from the menu.  Every year, the coupon changes, although it has basically gotten more and more stingy. The first few years it was a full combo meal with sides, like my...