Friday, February 12, 2021

Skinny Pop Popcorn

Update Review, November 2020I've reviewed Skinny Pop popcorn before (original review, update review), generally kinda lackluster for me, because, although I adore popcorn, and have a serious obsession to be honest, Skinny Pop trends too boring for me, because, well, it is trying to be healthier than the style I prefer.  Gulp.But when the holidays rolled around in 2020, and I didn't have access to my precious favorite decadent kettle corns due to COVID...

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Blue Bunny / Blue Ribbon Classics Ice Cream

Blue Bunny, and Blue Ribbon Classics, are two ice cream/frozen novelty lines owed by Wells Enterprises.  Wells is the largest family-owned ice cream manufacturer in the US, and third largest US producer (after the Nestlé and Unilever conglomerates).  They have a few other product lines as well, including Bomb Pop popsicles, but, the ice cream was certainly the item that caught my eye. The story goes that they started in 1925 by...

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

The Moment, Sydney

The Moment is another trendy tea shop in Sydney, one I've walked by, and peeked in at, many times over the two years since it opened. I finally visited. Setting The Moment is located in Haymarket, on a street with a slew of other bubble tea shops.  The entire several block radius is filled with bubble tea shops. The curb appeal of The Moment is different from many others though, and is something that drew me in (as a spectator previously) many times. ...