Friday, June 02, 2023

Over Easy Breakfast Bars

Sometimes, I'm amazed at how large specific markets can be.  Like those for grab-n-go bars.  Sure, some are geared towards breakfast, others for sustained energy while hiking, others are high protein, some sound like candy bars, they can be soft, chewy, or dense, etc, etc, but, seriously, so many brands.  I've tried quite a few.Over Easy is yet another entry in this category, geared at breakfast in particular, and featuring, as you may have...

Thursday, June 01, 2023

Bake Sum

Bake Sum is the story of a successful pandemic born business.  Started by a pastry chef who made weekly boxes as a way to get through the pandemic, and grew to a small boutique bakery located in Oakland, where you can visit in-person a few hours a day.  They also supply to a few coffee shops, and have drop locations around the Bay Area for weekly boxes, which are still a focus for the bakery.  Boxes are $38, and contain both sweet and savory...