Friday, March 20, 2015

Nippy's Flavuored Milk.

Last week, I reviewed OAK milk, a line of flavored milk in Australia.  This week, we move on to Nippy's, another Australian, single serve, flavored milk brand. The products look quite different.  OAK milk comes in individual plastic bottles, Nippy's in juice-box form with straws.  Personally, I find the juice-box style far more fun to drink out of!  OAK milks are all made from full fat milk (sans the light line), whereas Nippy's are reduced fat...

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dough Collective, Sydney

During my recent visit to Sydney, I discovered a magical place called Dough Collective.  A bakery, but primarily a bread shop.  I love my baked goods, but bread isn't something I'm usually crazy about.  Or so I though, before I discovered Dough Collective! Of course, it isn't exactly *just* bread.  They make a variety of breads, some savory, some loaded with nuts and fruits, and others chocolatey.  The chocolate based ones turned out to...

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sokyo, Sydney

Yes, I went to get sushi in Sydney .  You'd think I'd know better.  I'll never forget the first day they had sushi at my office in Sydney.  Everyone was so excited.  I eagerly joined the lines, only to find that the sushi rolls were filled with ... chicken.  Or tuna salad.  As in, canned tuna.  What?  That is not what I think of as sushi! Over the course of my next few visits to Sydney, I did end up going to real sushi...

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Qantas Business Class, QF108, LAX-SYD.

My journey to Sydney began with exploring the new Qantas lounges in LAX, which, as you read about in last week's Business Class lounge review and the week before's First Class lounge review, turned out to be not nearly as nice as expected.  After a few hours of chaos in the lounge, it was time to board our flight, which at that point I looking forward to.  The lounge did a boarding announcement, and the gate was the closest one to the lounge, so it was...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bovetti Chocolate

Bovetti is a French chocolate maker with a ridiculous product catalogue of more than 150 different bars, spanning the spectrum of white, milk, and dark, filled with assorted spices (pepper, ginger, cinnamon), fruit (dried apricot, cranberries, candied citrus),  seeds (fennel, poppy, anise), and even flower petals (rose, violet, lavender).  They also make a small selection of organic bars, and a handful of single origins. I don't know much...