Friday, January 22, 2016

Organic Prairie Mighty Bars

Organic Prairie is a retailer of organic, farm raised meats, ranging from chicken and turkey, to pork and beef.  Their selections span from items like steaks and burgers, to bratwurst and hotdogs, to sausage and bacon, to even items like spiral cut ham and ribs, along with ground meat of all varieties (turkey, chicken, pork, beef, etc). But those aren't really the type of foods I review, are they?  No, but snack foods are.  The only shelf-stable product...

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Tillamook Ice Cream

About year or two ago, I became aware of the Tillamook brand due to their catchy "baby loaf bus" commercials, and the ensuing drama when someone stole a bunch of them (yes, for real ... go read about it).  But, I thought they just made cheese.  I like cheese, don't get me wrong, but, cheese is cheese (unless it is Brillat-Savarin of course, swoon), and not something I get THAT excited about. But, it turns out Tillamook makes more than just cheese....

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Waffling Leftovers: The Master Guide

Dear Readers, it is time for something entirely new.  Until now, I've never written about any of my own culinary creations.  You've read about chain restaurants and takeout on Mondays, travel experiences on Tuesdays, real restaurants on Wednesdays, bakeries and ice cream on Thursdays, snack foods on Fridays, and chocolates on Sundays.  I've covered a lot of material. But, you might be wondering, what do I eat the rest of the time (besides all the incredible...

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen, DFW Airport

I recently had a layover at DFW.  By now, you probably know how I operate when I visit a new airport: I figure out what terminal I'll likely land in, and which I'll depart from.  I research the food options.  I have a plan of attack ready long before I hit the ground. In this case, I was flying on American Airlines, and expected to both land and take off from Terminal A, which was great, as it seemed to have the best food options.  I also...